21 nov 2009


The video gives us the name of this topic,now we continue with the activities:
ACTIVITY I: Discuss in pairs.
-What activities do people do at a birthday party ? Also, what traditional foods do people prepare and eat at such events?
ACTIVITY II: Practice this dialog in pairs.
Friend: Hi Michael. Happy Birthday! How old are you today?
Michael: Twelve.
Friend: Alright. Well, let's sing you Happy Birthday:
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Michael, Happy Birthday to you.
Michael: Thank you,but;When is your birthday?
Friend: My birthday is on February 7th,so,what should we do first today?
Michael:How about Ia chocolate cake ,sodas and ice cream?
Friend: Okay. Well, and let's light the candles. Okay, and make a wish! Don't . . . don't tell me.
Michael: Of course¡.
Friend: Yeah, okay, and go ahead and blow out the candles. Okay, Your mother cut the cake, and then we can have cake,sodas and ice cream. And what do you want to do after them?
Michael: Let's dance and talk with our friends.
Friend: Oh, wow. And whose coming over later today for your birthday ?
Michael: Well, everyone. Uh, my cousins, all my aunts and grandmas, grandpas.
Friend: Alright. Well, Happy Birthday, Michael.

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...Dedico este blog a mis queridos alumnos que aprecian todo esfuerzo de sus maestros por mejorar sus conocimientos y a la vez les doy la bienvenida a mis colegas, con quienes humildemente comparto este material para mostrar desde mi perspectiva el tema de las celebraciones y como expresarlos en Inglés.
